ShareMyToolbox : Excellent Tool Sharing App

by | Apr 2, 2015 | Reviews | 0 comments


Viewpoint Construction Software’s Business Incubator’ team announces the availability of an innovative tool sharing application ‘ShareMyToolbox’ which allows anyone with inventory of tools to share with others in their community or workplace.ShareMyToolbox puts the power of Mobile technology to facilitate the exchange of tools among friends or employees and makes them accountable without even checking into a garage or tool crib.

a) Make an inventory of tools with all intuitive info:ShareMyToolbox is an easy way to digitally inventory all of your tools and equipments and let others request to borrow them. Inventory of tools can be easily created with images, serial number, model, purchase info(Price, purchase and warranty date) and description. Each item in an inventory includes an ‘overview tab’ with all equipment info, a ‘status tab’ with current status of a tool (weather being loaned currently or available to borrow) and ‘History tab’ which includes all activities happened with the tool along with previous borrower’s name and date.
b) Borrow a tool, loan a tool:ShareMyToolbox lets you create a network of friends and co-workers and enables to view their inventories so that everyone can search for the tool they need. To get started with this app, you just have to create an account with email address, Google+ or Facebook, make a profile in ShareMyToolbox including name, Contact Info, Profile Photo. Then it will enable you to setup a tool list for your inventory and let you invite your friends, co-workers and family to connect and share your tools.
c)Explore tool-list of your connected friends:By tapping ‘Connections’ in the menu, screen will be displayed with all connections we have. Person’s profile, contact info as well as all information about their tools with borrowing status such as Total number of tools, number of available tool to borrow can be viewed when ‘listing’ is tapped. Individual tool profile can also brought up by tapping each tool in the list. hence, ShareMyToolbox is best way to see list of all tools and equipments in your network or connections.
d)Innovative and attractive user interface:This app came up with well designed user interface. Color indicator rings are used to display the availability status of a tool: ‘Blue’ for connection’s tools that are available, yellow for tour tolls that are available, Green for your borrowed tools, Grey for unavailable tools and red for connection’s borrowed tools. The view also includes effective way to sort out the list with useful filters such as ‘available’,’Loaned’, ‘Borrowed’ and these colored rings.
e) How to borrow a tool:If you find the tool among your network, request to borrow available tool using a button at the bottom of each listing and tap borrow. A pop up will be shown where you can specify how long you want to borrow the tool. The owner will receive a notification then and can respond by accepting or rejecting a request.

With some newly added features in latest version such as provision to log on with social media, Push notifications, check for latest updates and fixing of bugs like registration screen updation and removal of some categories from filter list, ‘ShareMyToolbox’ is an excellent tool sharing App and creative solution to track your tools.So, co-op your tool purchase with your friends group and share the cost of each tool through the power of digital accountability with ‘ShareMyToolbox’.

Worth Having App – Download the App


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