How to Choose the Correct Home Security System?

by | Jan 3, 2020 | General | 0 comments

As burglary is committed every 40 seconds in the UK, it’s very important to secure your home with a good security system. Today, there are various security systems available in the market and you can also opt for residential CCTV installation London that will fully secure your premises. Read on to know more about home security systems and how to choose the best one.

The basics of a home security system

With the availability of low-cost wireless technology and broadband technology, the home security business has been upended in recent years. Most home security systems are sold in the form of kits to ensure that all the components are known to work together. A typical kit includes:

  • A hub that connects to your router is the main component of the system. It comprises of a siren to warn you and a keypad that you’ll use to arm the system when you’re not at home. In some systems, the hub, alarm and keypad are fitted in the same enclosure.
  • Some advanced systems come with a cellular radio and a battery to warn you even if you lose power or the broadband connection goes down.
  • Some installers will also provide door/window sensors. These are two-piece devices that can be attached to your door or windows by using tape or screws. If the two pieces are separated, the magnetic field between them is disturbed and a signal is sent to the hub to report that the door or window is opened.

Beyond home security basics

Below are the security components that you can add to your basic security system.

A remote key fob or a secondary keypad

You’ll probably interact with your security system via a smartphone app, but some systems offer more flexibility. With the recent advancement in the CCTV technology, you can also set a second keypad at another location or remote control on your keychain to arm and disarm the system.

Vibration sensors

These sensors either detect the specific pitch of the breaking glass or adheres the window. They monitor the vibrational shock of damage and an alarm is triggered if a break is detected.

Water leak sensors

Insurance claims for water damage from burst pipes are very common in the UK. Hence, a system that can warn you about the unwanted presence of water can deliver great benefits.

Security cameras

Some security systems might not offer surveillance cameras but you can purchase them as an add-on in the package.

 Monitor it yourself or pay for a professional?

Your final consideration with a home security system is how to manage it. Some vendors allow you to do it yourself, while others don’t provide this option. If you opt for self-monitoring, keep in mind that you’re responsible for your home security. If you get a notification on your smartphone that your alarm has been tripped, you’ll need to ask for police assistance or tell a neighbour to investigate.

Professional monitoring is typically offered as a subscription service and the security officials will keep round the clock watch on your home. 


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