While I feel like I’ve tried every new app out there, I’m still always searching out for more, and Forest – Stay focused app developed by SEEKRTECH CO., LTD is one that kept interested me when I saw it on the App Store.
If users like to temporarily put down their phone and focus on what’s more important in real life, then you can plant a seed in Forest. As time goes by, this seed will gradually grow into a tree. So if you cannot resist the temptation of using your phone and leave the app, your tree will wither.
Moreover the sense of achievement and responsibility will encourage you to stay away from your phone, and will certainly help you make better use of your time. The users can also stop getting distracted by their phone, get self-motivated and also get more things done. So you can put down your phone and focus on what’s more important in your life.
Build Your Forest
- Keep building your forest every day, every single tree represents your focused time
- Whenever you want to focus, plant a tree.
- The tree will grow in the following time.
Stay Focused
- A interesting way to help you beat phone addiction and overcome distraction
- Turn your focused moments into a lush forest.
Get Motivated
- Earn rewards and unlock more than 30 new tree species and white noises.
- Share your forest and compete with friends and users around the world.
- Plant trees along with friends & family.
- Unlock achievements and earn extra rewards.
- Plant real trees on Earth and protect the environment with tree-planting organization Trees for the Future.
- Best to manage your own tags and view detailed statistics of your time distribution.
- Browse your weekly, monthly and even your yearly big forest.
- Track your focused time in the Apple HealthKit.
- Recall memories of your planting journey with our brand new Forest Timeline!
- It’s never too late to build up productive habits
Achievements of this App
- Top productivity app in 126 countries.
- More than 2 million satisfied paying users.
- Featured in Apple’s “Amazing Apps” TV commercial
- Staying focused with the cutest gamified timer.
- Over 460,000 real trees were planted on Earth by users.
This app is best for those who need a little visual stimulation and extra incentive to stay productive. I have used numerous apps to track my time which I spend focusing on my projects. But I always see myself coming back to Forest, due to its minimalistic approach of time tracking with just the key features, coupled with the psychological reward of planting trees. So we highly suggest this app, for anyone who is serious about tag line of just focus and work on your goals.