In the growing technological era, it is increasingly becoming difficult to know what our dear ones are troubled with. Everything is hidden within their gadgets such as a mobile phone, Tablet or a laptop. Parents usually feel that it is their duty to protect their children from the harmful activities of the outside world. But when it comes to their tablets or mobile phones, children become extremely private and refuse to share their exposures to their parents. It is natural for a parent to feel the need to monitor their children’s devices without their knowledge and protect them from any harmful activities on the internet.
To resolve this problem, many developers came up with applications and software that help parents monitor their children’s activities. These applications had their drawbacks like being turned off once the device is shut down or getting to become opaque after a few sessions. Lately, PC Tattletale, developed by the same, has hit the internet by storm. It offers to monitor your child’s devices with utmost ease and transparency. By installing this application in a device you can easily record and monitor everything your child does on the internet. It also lets you control the sites your child visits.
After trying out various monitoring apps, I finally felt safe with PC Tattletale. It takes just a few minutes to be installed on the device and remains transparent to the user. It is compatible in devices like mobile phones, Laptops and Tablets. The uses of this application are immense. You can simply view your child’s activity from anywhere at any time.