Veereo is the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way for music artists to create, edit, and promote their content. They can use it for anything from creating a music video to editing a video of themselves answering questions about their song.
Unique features summary
There’s no other all-in-one multimedia entertainment platform that focuses on artists so exclusively. Veereo wants to help them by providing them with anything they might need from recording live concerts to editing their recorded songs.
Veereo is the newest, breakthrough platform built for unsigned artists. It’s the only all-in-one
multimedia entertainment platform that focuses on music artists that want to establish themselves and reach out to a wider fan base by participating in competitions, collaborations, and live streaming performances!
Are you an unsigned artist that feels limited by today’s most popular video-sharing platforms? We get it!
YouTube is so cluttered with uploaded videos that it’s almost impossible to stand out. Tik Tok and Triller let you gather followers in a time-consuming manner. Sound Cloud only lets artists share their talent via audio tracks.

Veereo is the first multimedia platform to bring live, virtual competitions to the market.
Live stream performances
Stream your music performances live and users/artists can view, cast votes, make comments and create buzz.
Promote and book performances!
Other features:
Upload pre-recorded and Livestream performances. Cast votes, make comments and create buzz for artists’ videos. Easily find artists to collaborate with!
Join the massive Veereo stage where you can bring your music to the world! Participate in competitions, upload music performances and book gigs—and create buzz for your music! The best part? You can do more of what you love directly from your home.
Download Veereo and join a community where artists can make their music heard and make
Take Away
Veereo is a multimedia entertainment platform that focuses on music artists that want to establish themselves and reach out to a wider fan base by participating in competitions, collaborations, and live streaming.