10 Essential Steps for Launching a Mobile App

by | Sep 15, 2017 | General | 0 comments

Millions of App Launches happen every year, out of them only 1% will become the big names of the industry.

The giant fishes of the industry like, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat took many years to be what they are today. For joining the league, you need to launch your App with no loop holes left behind. However, launching an app is not an easy task. It involves a lot of process and brain storming.

  • First of all, you need to be clear to yourself. Think and answer honestly a few questions like- Does your App serves a value or it is a better version of an existing app?
  • Does your App entertain people or solve their problem?

The answers are enough to take you into the right direction. But, then coming back to App, the cruel cut-throat competition of the industry is not going to spare you unless you play your game hard.

So, let’s check out the basic checklist that is essential while launching your mobile app:

1. BETA Testing:
It is very important to check how good or bad your App performs with real users. At this stage, you can get all the minor (if any) hitches resolved before making it available on App Downloading platforms. This is a very important step to be taken before app launch that must not be ignored.

2. App Analytics SDK:
To track your user behaviour and performance of your app you need to install a tool for comprehensive mobile analytic and engagement platforms. There are many such tools available in the industry and they let you optimise and increase quality traffic on your app.

3. Make a Video Trailer:
It is very important these days to get a demo video prepared on how your app works. This lets your users know the key features of your app and connect to it. This increases the organic traffic on your Mobile App.

4. Pre-Launch a Landing Page:
It’s always a good idea to create a buzz about your App and let people become a fan and wait for its launch eagerly. You can invite people to register in order to receive the notifications about your App, allow them to be shared among a larger population via social media channels and moreover, your landing page can inform people about how your App is going to be, what all features will be covered etc.

5. App Store:
Before you launch your Mobile App on an App Store, you need to be perfect with the screenshots, content and graphics. You need to be very clear whether your App will be paid or free, you need to ensure an easy access to your app, your content and description of you app should be very cleanly done. This is the most critical space which can either bring you the user or push them away.

6. Social Media:
Before you launch your mobile app, make sure your App is on all leading social media channels. Social media platforms are a great platform where you engage your audience and fetch organic audiences for your App. Moreover, you must launch your social media pages before the official launch of your App as this is going to create a buzz in the industry and keep the people looking forward to your App.

7. Media Connect:
If you have good terms with media, then it is the high time to fructify your connections. Ask your journalist friends to do a story for your App. This will definitely be a Bonus for your marketing strategies.

8. Press Kit:
You can always consider creating a press kit for bloggers and journalists. An ideal press kit includes, Press Release, Video of your App Demo, Screenshots and Store Icons, Logo, App Description and few reviews that your App has received so far.

9. Launch Day:

Launch your app by submitting it on Apps Store and Google Play Store. This will take a week or so in order to get approved. Meanwhile you can create more anticipation by releasing teasers and asking some influential bloggers to talk about you App on their webpages.

10. Ask for Reviews:
Nothing is perfect in this world! So is your App. Ask people for feedbacks and their opinion on your App’s performance. If you find anything worth improvement, now is the time. If they are happy with it you can ask them for ratings!

Now that you know the basic steps that you need to take before launching your App, but these are just a few. You can do a countless number of thing to make your App a success story.
Let us know if you find any other step to be critical and must be taken before an App launch.

Author Bio: Nikhil Reddy is a tech savvy content writer by passion and associated with a Mobile Ad Network – Apps Discover Technologies. Nikhil writes for numerous blogs and gives useful tips for bloggers, start-ups, and marketing professionals. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015554263258

Twitter: https://twitter.com/reddynikhil545


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