Become a Master of Meditation with the Awesome BetterMe: Meditation App By: Erin Konrad

by | Apr 23, 2018 | Reviews | 0 comments

If you’re like most people, you’ve tried meditation at some point and figured out that it’s super hard! It can seem like an impossible task to tune out the world around you and quiet your mind. But you also probably know that there are actually tons of benefits to meditating. That’s why you need the incredibly easy to use BetterMe: Meditation App! This free app (available for both iOS and Android) lets you work a short meditation exercise right into your busy schedule, so you’ll be a master of meditation in no time! 

There are so many ways that meditation can improve your day to day life. It can help with everything from lowered stress and anxiety levels to an enhanced mindfulness. This focus means you’ll probably notice improved clarity during the day, as well as an increased ability to face obstacles with a clear head. You might even find it’s easier for you to wind down at the end of the day or that there are great improvements with your sleep. Overall, you’ll basically be a happier and more relaxed person just by using this app! 

Meditation has shown in countless studies to help with all of the aspects of your life that are listed above. So, how does the BetterMe: Meditation app help? The app provides guided meditations that take as little as three minutes to complete – perfect for those of us with jam-packed schedules! The meditations are from some of the world’s best meditation teachers, and they target specific symptoms you might be having (like stress, anxiety, depression, poor sleep, etc.). You can even focus your guided meditation on particular situations, like combating work stress or your daily commute. The app also helps you track your progress with the Mindful Minutes feature.

There aren’t really any serious downsides to downloading the app. It’s easy to navigate and the graphics are both soothing and captivating at the same time. The only disadvantage is that you actually have to use it to see the positive effects of meditating – so if you have a problem with motivation, you might be stuck. 

If you want to see immediate improvements in your life and become a skilled meditator, just download the BetterMe: Meditation app for free from the iTunes Store or Google Play Store today!


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