Bunkerapp.com – App for Freelancers to Manage Projects and Invoices

by | Oct 22, 2011 | Reviews | 0 comments

If you’re thinking of hiring a project manager and you’re freelancing, you should think about getting Bunker App. Bunker App will definitely become an extension of your body once you start working because of its functionality when it comes to managing time and even employees while doing a project. Once of the great things about these web applications is that you do not need to install anything on your computer and you can access it from anywhere else in the world. Managing your projects can be easy because you can create task lists, have your clients sorted out by their profile and set dates when assignments are overdue. All of these features include a great webpage design which makes it easier to work and enforce consistency among your employees with all the features included.

Signing up on Bunker App takes 30 seconds without requiring a credit card if you want to manage two active projects and two invoices a month, making it safe for you to try the projects with this website in order to see if you’re satisfied with the layout and the features. Once you click on the projects tab, you can start typing in your projects, which are automatically sorted out from newest to oldest on your list. Each project is empty, so you figure out how to add a new milestone, which is definitely something you want to complete before the deadline. Once you input a milestone, you can easily change the deadline by choosing from the calendar and not by typing numbers in, which makes it faster and easier to use.

If you’re working with an employee on this application you can easily sync (or refresh) the page right from the web app in order to see new information coming in. You can then easily assign tasks or milestones to a client if you want to save some time. Clients are often easy to spot, add or remove and the archives record any finished projects along with invoices. Easily select invoices by choosing the right project and you can upload your logo on the website as well to include in these. All in all, this website is not as complicated as others, yet it provides the basics to manage your projects for one low price of five dollars a month. This includes unlimited projects, invoicing and clients and you can cancel at any time if you’re not satisfied.

Compared to other websites, Bunker App is one of the most economical and practical. Bunker App is definitely a web app to start with if you are new to these kinds of web applications. If you have any questions or feedback, the website always has a bar on the bottom where you can voice your concerns and you will get a quick response from an expert. Maybe your concerns can turn into a new idea, which makes the website even better to use. They also have a blog full of information that you might need on the website such as the logo creation, troubleshooting, milestones as well as comments from other users who definitely share your situation. You can also keep up with the blog on your RSS feed so that you can be updated without having to get on the website and get on the blog section while browsing a project on another tab. The information is there, anyone can learn how to use the application and they can probably start working within one to three days of tinkering with the webpage if this is their first time using web applications.

Visit this site at http://www.bunkerapp.com/ and post your reviews as comments.


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